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Saturday, May 28, 2005

Memorial Day Weekend

I'm away in Worcester, MA this weekend visiting my partner's family, so no more on the VT Politics VT affair (at least until after I return). In the meantime, in honor of Memorial Day, some links:

Soldiers For The Truth: Col. David Hackworth's gadfly site. Hackworth died recently at age 74, of a type of cancer now appearing frequently in Vietnam vets exposed to Agent Orange.

An NPR story about Cpl. Jason Dunham, killed in April in Iraq. This made me cry yesterday on my drive down to Mass. Listen to it.

Baghdad Burning by a twenty-something Iraqi woman living in Baghdad, writing in English.

A USA Today story on U.S. soldier bloggers, or milbloggers.

And finally, a Vermont blog, for the Dorset-based Clear Path International, an advocacy and relief organization for victims of landmines and unexploded ordnance in Asia. Many of the victims are dying from landmines placed, sadly, by us.

Please feel free to add your own thoughts or links. If anyone knows of any blogs written by Vermont soldiers, please add those, too.

May 28, 2005 at 08:55 AM in House Rules | Permalink


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» Daily Dish from The Cool Blue Blog
Memorials Honoring the fallen heros of past and present wars on Memorial Day is a thing that is not exclusive to service members present and retired, but there is no doubt that they, and the family members of the fallen, [Read More]

Tracked on May 28, 2005 11:17:39 AM


For Memorial Day weekend, The Cool Blue Blog has a new banner to honor the fallen. Additionally I will be profiling those Vermonters who have fallen in combat during the past year. So far I have profiled Marine Lance Cpl. Jeffery S. Holmes and Army Sgt. Jamie A. Gray. I know of two more that I will profile in the coming days. Vermonters who fell in combat previous to June 2004 were profiled last year at this time and can be found here including two posts about Marine Cpl Jason Dunham you mention above.

Also, other Iraqi blogs exist, some with a different perspective. One is Iraq the Model and another is Healing Iraq. There are others you can find in their blogrolls. And let's not forget Afghanistan from which the blog Afghan Warrior originates.

I heard the NPR story which you referenced and it brought both me and my wife to tears. Though we didn't talk about it, I knew she was thinking the same thing I was: that could have been about our son, but it wasn't because he made it through. The story of his unit and their journey through Iraq which ended in February 2005, was chronicaled here.

Have fun on this first official weekend of the Summer, but never forget why we celebrate this day. Never forget those who have paid the price so we may have our cookouts and parades in safety and freedom.

Posted by: CoolBlue | May 28, 2005 9:46:55 AM

A blog from a soldier and Daily Kos frequent contributor, who is on his way to Iraq. See his last state-side diary at Kos here.

Posted by: cresmer | May 28, 2005 10:42:14 AM

Hey there Cathy... thanks for the mention...!!

Come with me to Vietnam in January!

Posted by: | May 31, 2005 12:56:04 PM

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