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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Bye bye, Jerome.

Jerome Armstrong of MyDD is moving to Alexandria, VA this month. He came here to work for Dean in 2003, and was for a time Vermont's most prominent blogger. I thought he might be moving when I drove by his apartment recently and saw a For Rent sign. Dang.

Here's a story I wrote about him last fall. It's linked from MyDD and not 7D because we didn't actually have permanent archives until January of 05.

I guess I should also mention that former Dean staffer and VT native Zephyr Teachout is back in VT. Not sure where exactly she's at or how long she's here, but according the the post she left on the w-fi thread below, it looks like she's in Burlington. Welcome back, Z.

June 1, 2005 at 04:22 PM | Permalink


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