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Thursday, June 09, 2005
Congressman eager to ban Burlington Telecom
A Republican from Texas has introduced a bill, H. 2726, banning municipal telecom networks. What's it called? The "Preserving Innovation in Telecom Act os 2005." You've gotta be kidding me! Have you no sense of decency, sir?
According to Mobile Pipeline, the bill "prohibits state and local governments from providing any telecommunications or information service that is 'substantially similar' to services provided by private companies." In other words, Burlington Telecom's plan to provide broadband/cable/phone service could be ILLEGAL. The same might be true of Montpeliernet, though I'm not sure about that. One thing I am sure of — this'll be a big hit in Vermont...with Adelphia and Verizon.
FYI, the Rep in question, Pete Sessions, used to work for Southwestern Bell and Bell Labs. The bill will be considered by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Thanks to Daily Kos for the head's up.
June 9, 2005 at 02:23 PM in Wi-fi/Broadband in VT | Permalink
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