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Monday, July 18, 2005

Winooski Eagle Online

It's official — Winooski no longer has a community newspaper (sigh), but it does have a shiny new citizen journalism website. I took over the Winooski Eagle in October of 2004. The volunteers who had been running the paper were ready to give it up, but I thought I could save it. After much deliberation, I decided last month to fold the print version of the Winooski Eagle. It simply cost too much money and took too much time to produce — or, more accurately, it took me too much time and cost me too much money.

Anyhow, I teamed up with Brian Brown of iBurlington to set up the Winooski Eagle online. We're still working on it, but it's up and running. So if you have any Winooski news, post away! And tell all yer friends.

July 18, 2005 at 01:55 PM in Got blog? | Permalink


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» Citizen journalism labors of love from Citizen Paine | Citizen Journalism
Ya gotta root for efforts like this one, and ya gotta figure it's a harbinger of what's coming for small communities that just don't have the ad dollars to support a print product: After trying since October to make a [Read More]

Tracked on Jul 19, 2005 8:45:27 AM


Hey, cool! Probably makes more sense to do it electronically. Good show.

Posted by: NTodd | Jul 18, 2005 2:39:45 PM

Excellent blog design and format with the online version of the Winooski Eagle (WE) Cathy and Brian.

While I understand that you're still working on it and have more to do, I just wanted to remind you about an RSS feed for it, as the site does not yet appear to have one available (because I tried to add the site to my feed and it did not work; plus there is no rss feed address noted on the blog either) and, when it becomes possible to do so, I would like to add the WE to my Bloglines feed.

Posted by: mwb | Jul 18, 2005 3:10:32 PM



Posted by: zephyr | Jul 18, 2005 3:15:16 PM

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