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Sunday, August 28, 2005

my spacers

Ok, I guess I've milked the anniversaries enough. Time to move on. Big article on the front page of today's New York Times Sunday Styles section about My Space. I know about the site, and I think I even created an account at one point, but I never really got into it. Ditto with livejournal. I know there are probably zillions of Vermonters who blog on these sites, but as of yet I've only listed a few on my Vermont blogs list.

I'm eager to list them, and map those corners of the VT blogosphere, but I wonder if objective readers are truly interested in reading those diary sites? At what point does that curiousity become voyeurism? I'm not exactly sure. If people are interested in sending me those links, I guess I'm interested in listing them.

August 28, 2005 at 01:58 PM in Got blog? | Permalink


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I was planning on pitching an article about My Space and local bands and then I saw this article in the Times today.

Do you think I still should?

Posted by: casey | Aug 28, 2005 11:22:47 PM

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