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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

VT Blogs: The Bovine Bugle

Look, another Vermont farmer blog!  The Bovine Bugle is sponsored by Stonyfield Farm.

Here's a synopsis from the site: Jonathan Gates reports from Howmars Farm in Franklin, Vermont. Howmars is a certified organic dairy farm, one of many Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative farmer members who supply the milk that goes into making Stonyfield's yogurts and smoothies. The entire family pitches in on this third-generation farm that converted from conventional dairy farming to organic 7 years ago. Meet Jonathan, wife Karen, sons Benjamin, Justin, and Noah, and Jonathan's parents, Howard and Mary. And, of course, the cows.

Thanks, Morgan, for the tip.

August 24, 2005 at 02:20 PM in VT Blogs | Permalink


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Yeah, this blog's been reported on extensively because of the whole "corporate paid blogger" thing.

Posted by: Michael Martine | Aug 24, 2005 8:29:24 PM

They're paying this guy to blog? Huh.

Posted by: cresmer | Aug 25, 2005 10:37:56 AM

Thanks much for taking note of The Bovine Bugle blog at Stonyfield.com.

We have four blogs there, but The Bovine Bugle is written entirely by Jonathan Gates, an organic dairy farmer. We do pay him a little bit...barely enough to buy morning coffee...and he's been sending us wonderful content and, now, videos! We think he deserves an award for his photography.

Chris Halvorson, Chief Blogger
Stonyfield Farm

Posted by: Chris Halvorson | Sep 29, 2005 4:04:49 PM

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