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Wednesday, September 28, 2005


There's a media panel tonight that folks who live in the Burlington area might want to check out. 6:30 pm, CCTV studios. Join Bill Simmon of Candleblog, Lauren-Glenn Davitian of CCTV, Tim Nulty of Burlington Telecom, and low-power FM guy Andy Crawford to talk about the future. Of media. Tonight.

They'll be broadcasting it on CCTV, so if you miss it, you can call and find out when they'll replay it, 'cause they probably will. Gotta have cable to see it, though. I doubt they'll put it online. UPDATE: I was wrong! Jess Wilson, program director, says they'll have it up, but it won't be streamed. They'll put it here.

Also, next Friday morning, October 7, there's a series of panels on journalism at SUNY Plattsburgh. David Heller, staff attorney at the Media Law Resource Center in NYC, will be speaking about liability and confidential source issues as they relate to both journalists and bloggers. The event is free. More info in the comments thread when I have it (I left my press release for it at the office).

UPDATE: I almost forgot, there's yet another panel happening, this one about the sale of Adelphia to Comcast. It's on Monday, Oct. 3, at 7 p.m. at Burlington's City Hall. Read more in my write-up in this week's Seven Days. I'll post a link when it appears online.

September 28, 2005 at 08:06 AM in Media/Keeping an eye on the competition | Permalink


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Hey Cathy,

Tonight’s panel will be on-line just not streamed live. I should have it up some time tomorrow. We do stream programs regularly – check out some of our offerings here…


Hope to see you at the Comcast meeting Monday night – it should be a good one!

Posted by: Jess Wilson | Sep 28, 2005 8:14:36 AM

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