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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Jessamyn in the news

I like sharing press clips that feature Vermont bloggers. This one is an AP story from The Columbia Daily Tribune called Activist librarians shake quiet, meek stereotype. It features some snippets about Bethel blogger Jessamyn West:

Jessamyn West, an Americorp volunteer at libraries in Vermont, might be the quintessential radical librarian working to protect free and open access to information.

"Loosely, I believe people would be better off with less governmental interference," she proclaims on one of her Web sites, jessamyn.com (aka Abada Abada). "I’m against hierarchies, and I believe that humans have a responsibility to look after each other and take care of one another so that everyone’s strengths and creativity are utilized and maximized."

West...is also a member of the Social Responsibilities Round Table, which was formed within the American Library Association nearly three decades ago for those who believe libraries have a duty to be actively involved in the day’s social issues, including feminism, poverty and racism.

For some reason, the AP story doesn't include live links.

November 16, 2005 at 03:35 PM in House Rules | Permalink


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Actually, this ran in the Burlington Free Press on Sunday, as well. I saw it when I was recycling that issue, as I was away this weekend. They included a pull quote from JW. cool.

Posted by: cresmer | Nov 17, 2005 9:07:26 AM

I just saw this. Thanks for sharing -- I missed it in the Free press. Go Jessamyn!


Posted by: | Nov 18, 2005 9:20:18 AM

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