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Friday, November 04, 2005

Reminder: Vermont Blogger Meetup II on Saturday

Date: Saturday November 5
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: Langdon Street Cafe, Montpelier
Cost: Free, but bring a couple bucks for a beverage or somethin'.
Free Wi-fi: Absolutely!

Who's coming? We won't know until we get there. But I wouldn't be surprised if folks from these blogs happen by:

Candleblog, Dohiyi Mir, Norsehorse's Home Turf, Pat Political, Librarian.net, iBurlington, Ernesto Burden, Michael Martine, Fat Bald Married Guy, The Vermizzle, A Quick Word from the Far Side of the Galaxy, 802 Online, Terrapin Gardens, Don't Be Iffy, Vermont Daily Briefing, Diabologue, Leaning Birch, New York Ex, Bloggle: Coffee & Commentary, Free Vermont.

I know Bill from Candleblog and NTodd from Dohiyi Mir will be there, because I'm carpooling with them.    

November 4, 2005 at 04:49 PM in VT Blogs | Permalink


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I should be in attendance as well...

Posted by: Jeff Soyer | Nov 4, 2005 5:55:42 PM

I should be in attendance as well...

Posted by: Jeff Soyer | Nov 4, 2005 5:56:12 PM

I guess I have to be there, since I'm driving you and Bill! See you tomorrow at the Richmond P&R...

Posted by: NTodd | Nov 4, 2005 6:11:20 PM

Yay! Jeff is coming! I wonder if he'll be packing heat...

Posted by: cresmer | Nov 4, 2005 8:25:25 PM

I wouldn't miss it! (Information Wants To Be Free http://meredith.wolfwater.com/wordpress/)

Posted by: Meredith | Nov 4, 2005 9:55:58 PM

Hey Cathy,
I would love to be there, but I won't be able to make tomorrow's date. Are you going to be holding these blogger meetups regularly? Hope you all have a great time. I can't wait to hear about it.

Have a Lavendar Pop Soda for me. :)

Posted by: lene | Nov 4, 2005 10:43:14 PM

If all works out as planned, I will definitely be there and, as she is giving me a ride in, Pat Hejny will be as well.

I'm really looking to the blogger meet up and, especially since I haved never met him in person yet, I am happy Jeff Soyer is intending on being there and I know Pat will be thrilled about it too once she learns of it in the morning (I've left a message on her answering machine about it).

Posted by: mwb | Nov 4, 2005 11:27:44 PM


Had meant to also mention that, while I am leaving my laptop home so I can better participate in the goings on at the meet up, I will be bringing alomg a borrowed digital camera with which to take blogger photo's to blog up later however. If you are someone who wants to remain anonymous however and not have your photo taken, as I will be careful to inquire of each person before hand of course, just let me know and I will respect your wishes.

Posted by: mwb | Nov 4, 2005 11:38:16 PM

I'm afraid I'm going to skip this one. I have to hold onto my anonymity a little longer...

Posted by: newyorkex | Nov 5, 2005 7:34:54 AM

Blogger is acting up and not accessible right now, so I cannot blog there, plus they are scheduled to be down for scheduled maintance at 3:00 pm today for a copuple of hours anyway; so I thought I would just post a mention that Pat Hejny, Cathy Resmer, Bill Simmon and NTodd Pritsky (sp?) are already over at the Langdon Street Cafe. Because the public access computer was busy at the moment, I came over to the the Kellogg-Hubbard Library to quickly check my e-mail as well as try a quick blog post if I could and am headed back over for the bloggers meet now.

If you are somewhere in the general area and happen to be online at the moment, hope you will come on by the Langdon, as I believe we are due to be there until at least 5:30 PM or so and I am sure people will be coming and going, etc.

Posted by: mwb | Nov 5, 2005 3:01:18 PM

Hey Cathy, We meant to come, but got too caught up in geekiness to leave the house. Lame, I know.

Looking forward to the full report. We'll try harder next time.

Posted by: Margot | Nov 5, 2005 8:06:21 PM

Had a blast everyone! Nice meeting you all. [My Photos]

Posted by: scully | Nov 5, 2005 10:13:00 PM

The photos are great! I love the way you can move the mouse over the boxes and see who's who. Looks like you all had a great time. Sorry I missed the party.

Posted by: lene | Nov 5, 2005 10:55:17 PM

My set of 2005 Vermont Blogger Gathering photo's are up and avilable for viewing on my Flickr page, here.

Even better, check out the slideshow version, here.

Just so folks know, while I did do some tweaking on many of the photo's, it was mainly a bit of basic cropping, lightening them up as needed and red eye stuff, no photoshop stuff however.

Posted by: mwb | Nov 6, 2005 2:36:09 AM

Terrific meeting you all yesterday. My thanks to Cathy for getting us together!

Posted by: Jeff Soyer | Nov 6, 2005 8:18:30 AM

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