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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Weekly Post: from Abada Abada
This week's entry comes from Jessamyn West's journal, Abada Abada. I liked her descriptions of the students in her technology class, particularly the line about "skunk essence."
I like to include stories of people learning to use technology in the newspaper — it seems like most technology reporting focuses either on a new product or service, or on how some people are just totally clueless when it comes to computers. I like to promote stories about people getting it, or trying to, anyway. I like to note those moments when the rubber hits the road, so to speak. I want to provide some kind of snapshot of this moment in our cultural evolution. Before long, everyone will know how to use a computer, the same way that everyone knows how to use a telephone. I think it's helpful to reflect on that learning process while we're in it.
Plus, skunk essence is kinda funny.
November 23, 2005 at 09:58 AM in The Weekly Post | Permalink
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