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Thursday, December 29, 2005
Citizen journalist on the scene in Montpelier
"She-gamer" blogger Gravity in Montpelier has this first hand post of the rock slide in Montpelier this past week. With photos and everything. Gravity says she was driving home from shopping with her girlfriend, mother, and sister, when they heard a loud, electronic sounding noise. And then...
The car ahead of us did a 3-point turn on the School Street bridge and the driver tried to get my attention, but I didn’t know what she wanted. Then we got to the stop sign at the intersection. I looked left. Then I looked right.
Elm Street was filled with smoke and dust, we couldn’t see much. Mostly just the snakes of downed power lines in the road, and the top 5 feet or so of a telephone pole, suspended above the middle of the road by its own wires, flamingly on fire and shooting sparks.
“Oh my god!” was pretty much my reaction.
Read more. Thanks, Morgan, for the tip.
December 29, 2005 at 09:30 AM in Media/Keeping an eye on the competition | Permalink
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