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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tuesday Deadline Linkdump

This week I'm actually spending the day working on stories for next week. AJ and Graham and I will be leaving Friday to visit family for the week leading up to Easter, and I'm trying to get my work done by Friday. We'll see how that goes...

Politics VT is going away in 2007. And this time they mean it.
Mud Season w/o Mud from In a Mirror Dimly.
Greensboro Community Blog is apparently no more.
Montreal Now! is actually "Montreal a month ago!" Has anyone else noticed the infrequent updates?
New comic.
New disclaimer on the discontinued Explore New England VT blog:  This blog is a feature of explorenewengland.com. It is not produced by writers and editors of The Boston Globe.  Questions or comments? E-mail us. And yet, the email is for Boston.com...
Down with cafe laptop users who don't tip! via New York Ex.

April 4, 2006 at 11:34 AM in VT Blogs | Permalink


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Is PoliticsVT the only site going away? What's the word on Vermonters First? It sure seems dead, and from the timing, folks will end up concluding (fairly or not) that aq took on the governor, lost and the whole thing imploded. What's the real deal?

Posted by: odum | Apr 4, 2006 12:57:26 PM

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