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Monday, May 08, 2006
135 Pearl is closing
Got an email at Seven Days today that 135 Pearl is closing June 3rd. The GLBT and ally-friendly nightspot is a Vermont fixture. Owner Robert Toms circulated a message explaining that he's gotta move on.
An excerpt:
It has been a twelve-year journey for me at 135 PEARL and a 22-year journey for some of you. After many years of producing the most amazing parties, cutting-edge theatre, and live music, I have decided to move on. None of the success could have happened without all the love and support from the community and staff of 135 PEARL. Endless heart and soul has been poured into this old building. I truly feel that we have defined the word COMMUNITY.
Not only has it been home to the gay/lesbian/bisexual and transgender communities, but it has also become home to an allied heterosexual community. Over the years, I chose to open the doors to artists, because I feel artists channel information that society so desperately needs in order to evolve. I have always looked at 135 PEARL as a platform for social change – a place where people could truly be themselves with out the fear of discrimination, prejudice or separatism. People have become part of the woodwork – from the bohemian set to the die-hard dance crowd. If these walls could talk, they would never shut up.
Wonder if Pearl's will really close...? I'm sure we'll be hearing more about this.
May 8, 2006 at 02:49 PM in House Rules | Permalink
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I think it's really gonna close. And I for one, am sad.
Posted by: casey | May 8, 2006 6:47:56 PM
Yeah, I heard from a reliable source today that it is definitely closing. Wow. That's a blow to the queer community, and to the arts scene in BTV. But I don't blame Robert. Sounds like he couldn't find another credible buyer to take it.
Posted by: cresmer | May 8, 2006 6:56:45 PM
Yeah well.
Robert Toms ran that bar into the ground. He charge 6 bucks a head (more or less) and it seemed that not one cent was put back into the business.
I say good riddance. As much as he whines about the "Community" not supporting him, you'd think he'd start asking for suggestions.
The place has been pretty dead since he took it over. What does THAT tell you?
I'd be interested to see a picture of the house he lives in. I'm sure it will go on the market soon.
Buh-Bye 135 Pearl. Let's hope someplace classier takes your place.
Posted by: Native Vermonter | May 18, 2006 4:51:51 PM
well. pearls is closeing huh. and the whine is that "the community didnt support us" . bullkakkie.! if you were allowed to operate for 22 years concider yourself lucky. no straight nudie bar has ever been allowed to operate in burlington for long at all!. but it's allways the same tired complaint from the gay community,, "we'er so persecuted". hey!,, you get a parade every year AND a club that runs for 22 years. SEEMS TO ME its time to shut up now.
Posted by: steve | May 24, 2006 8:45:28 AM
I think 135 Pearl was comforting place for me a few years ago. It will be missed. Regardless of who owned and operated it, it was a place where anyone could go and feel welcome. I am sad that it is closing and even sadder that a national pizza chain will be taking its place.
Posted by: Courtney | May 25, 2006 3:03:35 PM
<<< no straight nudie bar has ever been allowed to operate in burlington for long at all!. but it's allways the same tired complaint from the gay community,, "we'er so persecuted". hey!,, you get a parade every year AND a club that runs for 22 years. SEEMS TO ME its time to shut up now.
HUH?! None of that made any sense at all. Nudie bar? What?
By the way, I don't know how long you've been in Burlington Steve-o, but there are PLENTY of straight bars that have been open that long. Nectar's anyone? Rasputins? JP's? onandonandon.
What's your point again? We all lost you.
Posted by: Native Vermonter | May 25, 2006 4:09:44 PM
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