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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Net policy news

Two new developments that are worth noting:

The 6th District Court of Appeals just ruled that bloggers can protect their sources, same as journalists can. (Thanks, Bill, for the tip.)

From Boing Boing: EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) and its allies at cyber-law clinics argued this case, and it's an important win for bloggers and other citizen journalists who now know that the courts will give them the same respect afforded to big corporate news-gatherers.

And  on Thursday, a bi-partisan majority on the House  Judiciary Committee passed H.R. 5147, the  Internet Freedom and Non-Discrimination Act of 2006, protecting net neutrality. Rep. Zoe Lofgren explains the bill, which she introduced, in a guest post yesterday on the Save the Internet blog:

The bill requires broadband providers to operate their networks in a non-discriminatory manner and makes sure that the phone and cable companies cannot favor or block access to the Web sites or online services that they pick instead of the consumer. It will keep the Internet an open and free marketplace of ideas and services chosen by consumers instead of big corporations. It will also guard against those who own “the pipes” gleaning profits by creating a virtual toll road...

The next hurdle for Net Neutrality is whether we will have a full vote on the House floor. If you care about the freedom that Net Neutrality protects,
contact your Member of Congress and ask that H.R. 5417 be scheduled to come before the full House of Representatives as either a separate bill or an amendment. Urge them to vote for Net Neutrality protection!

UPDATE: A post on the EFF case from Markos at Daily Kos:

Now, to be perfectly clear, this is a California case. It only applies in the Golden State. But this is new legal territory, and courts around the country, including the feds, can and will look to this decision for guidance as similar cases arise in their jurisdictions. Coming in the heels of the FEC's decisions to grant bloggers and other internet media practicioners the media exemption, a solid body of law is being developed upholding the principles that citizen media deserves the same First Amendment protections as "professional" journalists.

May 27, 2006 at 08:29 AM in House Rules | Permalink


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I have no idea why typepad is underlining the text in this weird way. I've tried to figure it out, and am giving up for right now. Perhaps I will return to it later today...

Posted by: cresmer | May 27, 2006 8:34:54 AM

Having clicked the permalink for the post and then checking the source code, I noticed that for some reason it is giving you the following code: a name="027638" before the words "EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)" in the first instance and again before the lead word of the other (two) paragraph(s) in question (including the one within your update), with closures for an a (link) code after each.

Hope that helps for what little it may be worth. Haven't a myself clue of what that is about or what an name="027638" is, nor why it would be within the code for creating a link.

Posted by: mwb | May 27, 2006 8:25:56 PM

I think you know what I would say.

Posted by: alberto gonzales | May 30, 2006 8:56:00 AM

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