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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Tuesday Deadline Linkdump
I should really do a Monday deadline linkdump, but I'm usually so buried under all my work that I don't have a chance. So Tuesday...
• Listen to the podcast of the call-in show I did with Charity Tensel of She's Right last week. We talked about blogging. We took a call. About blogging. It was fun.• Alison Bechdel blogs about BookExpo America. She was there to promote her new graphic memoir, Fun Home, which I haven't gotten a chance to read yet. We did get an advance copy here, though, and I saw that Alison thanked me on the Acknowledgments page for working as her assistant those last two years as she was finishing the book. My 15 seconds of fame. The picture is of Alison and Harvey Pekar, from her blog.
• Got questions about Burlington Bread, the Queen City's local currency? Get answers at their new online forum. Or visit the Bread bank.
• Eva gets towed.
• Flatlander of False 45th goes to a VPR communitiy forum and has this fascinating report. Read it if you love VPR.
An excerpt: The interesting thing was that, as each table reported what they had
talked about, almost each table mentioned that VPR should attract a
younger audience. Hey, it sounded encouraging! At least everyone's
thoughts were in the right spot. However, my encouragement quickly
dissipated when they opened the floor to individual comments from
people. Anyone could suggest something to add or remove from the VPR
All of these people that had twenty minutes earlier
had said they wanted to bring in younger listeners, now stood up and
"I WANT MOZART ON MONDAYS!" What the fuck?!?! These people wanted to
pull in younger audiences with dead musicians? Obviously, they really
didn't give a rats-ass about bringing in a younger audience. Just
wanted more of the same. At this point, I felt my hopes sink through
the floor as I looked for a wall to bang my head against.
Don't worry, it has a happy ending. As a regular VPR listener, I say more power to you. Although I do enjoy Sunday Bach. And what the hell happened to Sunday Baroque?
May 23, 2006 at 09:05 AM in VT Blogs | Permalink
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