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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Tuesday Deadline Linkdump
Still recovering from a marathon weekend... of work, not running. A few good finds:
Enron's Press Pass, an LAT story about how and why journalists failed to scrutinize Enron while it was riding high. A good read for any aspiring citizen journalist.
Another reason to love living in Vermont. From my old hometown paper, the Detroit Free Press.
Guacamole. Via As Seen In VT.
Flicks and chicks, and laundry on Memorial Day. Via Deadbeat Club.
A fair and balanced look at net neutrality. Via She's Right.
"I can't imagine — Entertainment Weekly?" Via DTWOF (follow the YouTube link in the post.)
A novelist on the novelization of Rich Tarrant. Via Vermont Daily Briefing.
May 30, 2006 at 12:57 PM in VT Blogs | Permalink
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Hey - “fair and balanced”? Is that some sort of Fox News reference? Was that an insult?
(Since writing has no tone of voice, I have to add that that was a joking tone, not a bitchy tone.)
Posted by: Charity | May 31, 2006 4:01:16 PM
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