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Monday, June 12, 2006

More Newspaper Blogs

From Mark Glaser at MediaShift:

Something about the juxtoposition of the words “newspaper blog” doesn’t ring true. Newspapers and blogs don’t seem to fit together naturally unless you’re thinking of a blogger who likes to rip apart the bias of a local newspaper.

Yet, if you can set aside the early combative relationship between bloggers and newspaper folk (and other mainstream media types), you can find some natural ways that blogs can fit into a newspaper’s website. Breaking news blogs . Or a blog that asks for readers to debate the issues of the day. Or a blog on the local college sports teams.

So I asked you what you thought about newspaper blogs, which ones you liked and whether they were worth checking out. The response was rather tepid, with a couple people saying they don’t like newspaper blogs at all.

Before I get to your responses, I also queried Jay Rosen, PressThink blogger and associate professor New York University’s Department of Journalism.

Read on to find out what Rosen thinks. Most interesting part:

Rosen has three theories on ways that blogs can work in a newspaper setting: 1) find the fanatics in the newsroom and let them write about topics the newspaper never writes about; 2) create blogs for reporters who can engage their audience to help in the reporting; and 3) recruit people from the community with “drive and knowledge and moxy” to blog, similar to what Silverman has accomplished at the Houston Chronicle.

Inexplicably, no one mentions newspaper blogs that compile local blogs and attempt to create and reflect a blogging community. What does that say about my little experiment here?

June 12, 2006 at 10:05 AM in Media/Keeping an eye on the competition | Permalink


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It's kind of annoying sometimes when I read a newspaper's features and yawn.

I'm a former newspaper writer who puts feature items on his blog daily. I find that it's very difficult to locate my blog.

I also find that the blogosphere is dominated by left/right politics (the ones with the most hits, anyway) and the rest is a poorly disorganized blob of information.

A Manhattan Project to form a platform for organizing blogs must be undertaken.

Perhaps one day there will be a site that's organized in a way with which we are familiar...like the way a newspaper is organized.

Posted by: Matt | Jun 13, 2006 1:21:18 AM

So far, as far as I can tell, the blogosphere is organized by interest. I'm trying to organize blogs in Vermont geographically. I'd like to take the Vermont blogs and categorize them even further, like you would have sections in a newspaper, but I don't think there are enough of them yet to do that.

Let me clarify: I don't think there are enough long-running, reliable, interesting blogs in Vermont (that I know of, anyway) to make creating a more elaborate categorization system worthwhile.

That is not true in other, more populated parts of the country. And it may not be true for much longer here. But I think that's where we're at right now.

When my Tuesday linkdumps grow to include a couple dozen links, and I want to do them daily, then I think we'll have hit that point.

Anybody know of any more Vermont blogs? Send me the links.

Posted by: cresmer | Jun 13, 2006 8:06:44 AM

India-born entrepreneurs empower US voters

Shukoor Ahmed ran for a seat in the Maryland House of Delegates in 1998, after coming to America a decade earlier from Hyderabad, India. Campaigning door-to-door, he was surprised so many voters did not know who represented them!

After his race ended slightly short of victory, he took advantage of his Master’s degree in Computer Technology and Political Science to build StateDemocracy.org, a website he launched in 2001 to connect citizens and lawmakers. His website’s motto encapsulated its mission:

Posted by: timothy | Nov 5, 2008 6:19:44 AM

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