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Friday, June 16, 2006

Vermonter to drive in the Mongol Rally

BcmcI forgot to post this before I left: This week I wrote about the Bad Colonies Motoring Cooperative, a Vermont-based group that's organizing two teams to compete in this summer's Mongol Rally. This insane roadrace, in which drivers take one-liter cars from London, England to Ulan Bator, begins July 22.

Bristol resident Seth Beck (who also goes by his middle name, Nathaniel), has set up an entertaining website about his teams and the race. He's got a Google map up there, and a downloadable fold-up model of one of the cars. The middle section of his site is a blog, and he plans to update from the road. Should make for fascinating reading. I'm looking forward to posting excerpts of it on here and in the Weekly Post column in the paper.

Go buy a t-shirt from this guy, or sponsor some space on his cars. The money goes to charity, the t-shirts are stylish and he'll drive across Europe and Asia with a bumpersticker with your picture or logo on it if you pay him. Yes, driving any kind of car that far for fun, even a small one, seems a little extravagent, but I think it's a kinda cool. 

June 16, 2006 at 04:52 PM in VT Blogs | Permalink


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Wow! Locals at the rally. I'm from New Hampshire and my son and I are planning to race next year. Good luck and be safe!

Posted by: Matthew K | Jun 20, 2006 11:55:08 AM

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