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Friday, August 25, 2006

Monday's Online Lt. Guv Debate

The online debate between John Tracy and Matt Dunne is happening at noon on Monday. Some details, via Green Mountain Daily:

There will be only 9 questions. Approximately 5 will be issue-based... Another couple questions will be on leadership-slash-character topics. There will be a "philosophy of governance" question, and also a question that will invite each candidate to contrast themselves with the other. For this contrast question, each candidate will be given a 30 second rebuttal. In the case of the other questions, a 30 second rebuttal will only be triggered if a candidate characterizes their opponent in the course of their normally allotted 90 second answer. Candidates will be given a brief opportunity for opening and closing remarks.

These time limits are not hard and fast - that is, there wont be a buzzer if they're a little off. There will also be a parallel "live blogging thread" on GMD proper for folks who want to make comments.

Jack McCullough and Vermonter will be onsite with each of the candidates to verify they (or their appointed typist, if they don't type very quickly) are indeed answering the questions themselves and aren't doing any cutting-and-pasting from crib sheets.

Interesting. To find out how you can access this debate, follow the link above.

August 25, 2006 at 03:39 PM in VT Blogs | Permalink


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