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Friday, August 04, 2006

StoryCorps in Vermont

If VPR is the default radio station in your car — as it is in mine — you probably already know that the StoryCorps East Coast mobile recording booth is in Burlington for the next three weeks. The StoryCorps folks will be recording interviews with Vermonters. The recordings will be archived in the Library of Congress, and selected excerpts will play on VPR. NPR may also choose to pick them up and play 'em.

If you've never heard of StoryCorps, go to the website, and listen to some of the short sound clips from interviews they've done. The clips are really incredible. My favorite is the one of the woman asking her 84-year-old father about the scariest moment in his childhood. I've listened to it twice, once in the car and once on my laptop, and it made me cry both times.

Anyhow, if you want to be one of the folks who gets to tell your story, you'd better sign up quick. The first half of the slots are already filled — they were gone in three hours — and registration for the second half opened this morning at 10. Call (800) 850-4406 or go to the StoryCorps website to make a reservation.

UPDATE 8/5: Looks like the spots are all filled now. I didn't mention this earlier, but I got to do a StoryCorps interview yesterday morning. It was pretty incredible. More on that next week...

August 4, 2006 at 10:07 AM in Media/Keeping an eye on the competition | Permalink


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