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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In the Alley

Dscf6771Went for coffee this morning to the Alley, a new coffeehouse in Milton. They've got free wi-fi, though I didn't know that in time to include them in my wi-fi guide, alas. But they've got it. It works. No password. Free.

Don't be deterred by the Alley's odd facade, and location behind the McDonald's on Rt. 7. It's actually a pretty cozy place inside. Dscf6772I paid $3 for my single 12 oz. mocha and sat for an hour or so checking email and web stuff.

The place wasn't mobbed, but it wasn't dead, either. There's a group of women gathered in the back. The events calendar on the dry erase board lists a few singer-songwriters, and meetings for an artist guild, a business association, and a girl scout leadership group. So I guess the coffeehouse in Milton is doing ok.

There's also a drive-through. And they have breakfast and lunch. And jigsaw puzzles.

September 13, 2006 at 09:49 AM in Wi-fi/Broadband in VT | Permalink


Did the NY skyline mural seem new or a holdover from the previous incarnation of the coffeehouse? Was it weird drinking coffee with a view of the Twin Towers?

Posted by: Chris | Sep 13, 2006 10:31:19 AM

Not sure where the mural came from or why it's there. I asked the people at the counter why they have this particular photo up, and they didn't know anything about it.

There's a similar wall mural -- possibly the exact same photo -- at Donny's pizza in Winooski.

I find that choice of decoration a little distracting. I mean, it's gigantic. It's not like you can ignore it.

And what does it mean? The pre-9/11 New York skyline is certainly not a neutral image, but it's hard to suss out exactly what the people who display it are saying. Is it meant to be nostalgic? To remind us of something? If so, what?

Posted by: cresmer | Sep 13, 2006 11:02:42 AM

It is good to see there is another good, non-chain coffee house in the area. Death to Starbucks!!!

Posted by: Chris Fells | Sep 13, 2006 12:58:32 PM

I was one of the singer-songwriters who played recently at The Alley. It's a great little oasis. And I think it's named for a Milton teen named Alley who died while waiting for an organ transplant.
The pre-911 skyline mural is new, and yes, a little distracting.

Posted by: folkgirl | Sep 13, 2006 2:33:27 PM

Milton represent!

Posted by: steve | Sep 18, 2006 9:49:23 PM

I am a friend of the owner and I am so happy for her & wish her much success. I've also started a web-site for the Alley that shows pictures of the art that is on display, announces upcoming artists and entertainment, and gives a complete list of the menu: www.theAlleyCoffeeHouse.com

Governor Douglas came in last Sunday for a meet and greet. I will be adding those pictures to the site soon. I'm a webmaster-newbie so it takes me a few days to figure things out.

I believe that the picture of the skyline was meant to be for memories sake AND it also serves as the backdrop for the live entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights. It is a picture of the skyline lit up and with the "stage lights" on it adds to the atmosphere. I have sat in front of it many times and I don't find it to be distracting. I like to see the towers standing tall - I think of it as just a small way to honor the people of NY, the rescue workers, and the people who lost their lives that day. Some may not agree with me - but I like it.

Posted by: sloring | Sep 20, 2006 4:24:55 PM

The mural of the pre 9/11 NY skyline is not at all distracting to me! The sight of the twin towers standing tall makes me proud. I believe the mural is there to serve as a remembrance of all the people that served and lost their lives that day! It is a beautiful photo that shouldn't at all be talked about in a negative way!

Posted by: Caitlin | Nov 17, 2006 11:09:17 AM

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