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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tuesday Deadline Linkdump: The Post-Thanksgiving Edition

Look what I found yesterday while searching for my post of the week:

Img_2261a • Photos (like the one at right) from an old church graveyard, from Midnight Modern Conversation. Just discovered this site, which belongs to Jeff of Waterbury. Here's what that tombstone says:

"Behold my friends as you pass by / As you are now so once was I / As I am now so you must be / So prepare for death & follow me."

It's that time of year.

Sarah Aldeman describes some of what I'm feeling this holiday season in a post called "Process versus Product: America's obsession with immediate gratification."

Ann Zuccardy of the Vermont Shortbread Company offers tips and and inside perspective on shopping local.

DTWOF episode 500. The 500th episode of Alison Bechdel's long-running lesbo (and discerning non-lesbo) comic. The first episode appeared first in a bi-weekly feminist newspaper. Ep 500 appeared first on Alison's blog. Times are a-changing. In honor of the 500th strip, Alison's blog audience set out to raise $500 for her via Paypal, since she puts the strip up on the blog for free. As of this blog post, they'd raised $3081.52.

• A Front Porch Forum success story. Michael Wood-Lewis writes about a local woman who used the Chittenden County social networking service to find a neighbor to shovel snow for her this winter after her husband died. She writes,

I asked for help finding someone to snowblow my driveway [through her FPF neighborhood forum] and think I have found someone. Then I went away for a week and when I returned my leaves were raked and removed and items moved from around the house to the driveway. I don’t know who did this, but I have to think it was someone in the neighborhood and I wanted to say thank you.

November 28, 2006 at 09:42 AM in VT Blogs | Permalink


oooh, thanks for the great links Cathy. Love Jeff's cemetery post and that inscription is beautiful. My favorite grave inscription is: She did the best that she could." I think I want that on my tombstone for sure.

here is an excerpt from an inscription on an ancient Egyptian tomb:

Gold and lapis lazuli, silver and turquoise are fastened on the necks of female slaves.
All female slaves are free with their tongues.
When their mistress speaks it is irksome to the servants.
The children of princes are dashed against the walls.

Posted by: Eva the Deadbeat | Nov 28, 2006 2:22:21 PM

Hi Cathy,

Thanks for the plug here. Business is booming this year because of my local networking and marketing efforts. Not to mention, I'm an SEO-glutton and love free publicity and high quality links to my site and blog.

Anyway, I am grateful to you for thinking of me and Vermont Shortbread Company in this post. Thanks.

Ann Zuccardy
Vermont Shortbread Company

Posted by: Ann Zuccardy | Dec 2, 2006 10:12:20 AM

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