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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Hall Monitor hangs up his hat
Darren Allen is no longer roaming the halls of the legislature on behalf of the Vermont Press Bureau. Here's the latest post on the Hall Monitor blog:
A note from the editors...
January 23, 2007
You may have noticed Darren Allen's absence from the Halls over the last couple of days, and we want to explain.Allen, who started this blog two legislative sessions ago as this paper's first venture into the blogosphere, has decided to leave his post as chief of the Vermont Press Bureau to become the communications director for the Agency of Natural Resources.
He will start his new job -- where he will be responsible for letting the public (and us) in on what the more than 600 people in ANR are doing -- on Feb. 5.
While we don't know the future of the Hall Monitor -- or who will roam the halls and let you all in on the gossip, intrigue and insider tidbits -- we do know that you can continue to expect the best political reporting in the state from the Vermont Press Bureau's Louis Porter.
We wish Darren well as he jumps over to the other side.
Stay tuned.
Odum at Green Mountain Daily has started a discussion about Allen's departure. I started to comment on it this morning, but I need more time to organize my thoughts. I'm definitely sad to see Darren go.
January 24, 2007 at 09:35 AM in Media/Keeping an eye on the competition | Permalink
While Hall Monitor is gone, a new blog seems to have appeared. [email protected]
Posted by: Ye Ol' Vermonter | Jan 27, 2007 12:47:37 PM
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