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Wednesday, February 07, 2007
The Weekly Post
This week's Vermont blog post of the week comes from Chris Fells, at From the News and Sports Desk. Fells writes about Milton High School basketball player Jeff Cota, who is battling cancer, and who just got his Xbox and a bunch of other stuff stolen.
Last week it was reported that items, including an Xbox were stolen from Jeff's home while he was in Boston receiving treatment. The Xbox was a gift to help him stay occupied while home bound and recovering from chemotherapy treatments. To the little twits who broke into the home, shame on you. Jeff has CANCER, and needs everything possible to help keep his spirits up. Stealing something because you either want to hawk it on eBay or are too lazy to get a job to buy one yourself is simply a disgrace. You think you have it bad? Think about the kid who is literally fighting for his life right now.
You can read the post in its entirety on Chris' blog, or on the Letters to the Editor page in this week's Seven Days.
February 7, 2007 at 04:13 PM in The Weekly Post | Permalink
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