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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Book Blogging

Fun_home_1 I feel like such a dork. I'm sitting here at my kitchen table, feeding my son dinner, and I've got my laptop open.

Why am I sitting here with my laptop on my kitchen table at 6:30 p.m., a couple hours after I left the office? Because my friend, Jonesville resident Alison Bechdel, is at the National Book Critics Circle Awards dinner in NYC right now. Her book Fun Home was a finalist for a 2006 NBCC award, and they're announcing the winners tonight. Right now, in fact.

The NBCC apparently knows that there are people like me who want to know the results as they happen, so they've started a blog, Critical Mass, where they're promising to post winners as they announce them.

"Stay tuned, and keep hitting that refresh button," they write. So I am.

Good luck, Alison!

UPDATE: Drat, she didn't win. But how cool to be a finalist!

March 8, 2007 at 06:45 PM in VT Blogs | Permalink


Why am I sitting here with my laptop on my kitchen table at 6:30 p.m., a couple hours after I left the office?

Uh, because it's been a couple of hours! That's like an eternity!

Posted by: Bill Simmon | Mar 8, 2007 10:46:32 PM

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