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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Weekly Post

I'm doing this early today so I don't forget about it in the crush of work.

This week's post is from a site I recently added to the blogrolled, called Who Broke The Beaker? Not sure what the title means.

Andrew Bouchard recaps the recent chocolate Jesus fiasco:

i heard about it on the news yesterday, and read about it ten minutes ago…the sweet chocolate jesus in new york city. a six foot tall (anatomically correct) chocolate reproduction of jesus was set to be displayed at a nyc this week till easter when people could chow down on some savior. however it seems as though that won’t happen anymore cause some people thought the work of art was blasphemy. the christian right got a shit load of people together (from all sorts of denominations) and protested, called, harassed and emailed the hotel that was hosting the sweet jesus till the hotel agreed to take down the exhibit.

Read more on the blog, or on the Letters to the Editor page of this week's Seven Days.

Careful readers of the print publication will note that I ended up inserting standard capitalization into Andrew's post in the newspaper. My editors like me to format the print versions of the posts to match the style of the paper, so I did, though I ran it by Andrew before it went in.

By the way, if anybody has any blog suggestions for me, let me know. I've added several new blogs to my blogroll lately, and am always looking for more.

April 4, 2007 at 07:20 AM in VT Blogs | Permalink


Often when I'm bored at work I'll just go through this whole list to see what other Vermonters are doing, writing, thinking. Do you want to know when I find a link is dead (Everybody Falls) or a blog hasn't been updated in months (Illuminati Slayer)?

Posted by: Molly | Apr 4, 2007 8:54:43 AM

Sure. Yeah, I noticed everybody falls was dead yesterday.

And I just keep illuminati slayer up because I like that picture of Peter. Does anybody remember when he ran for lt. governor in 2004? That picture is actually from the lt. governor's debate that was held on Halloween. It ran on the front page of the Burlington Free Press. He was standing next to Cheryl Rivers, who was wearing her trademark hat. The look on her face in the photo as she looked at Peter was PRICELESS.

Posted by: cresmer | Apr 4, 2007 12:59:18 PM

Here are blogs which haven't updated since 2006. I realize that some of them have value even if not updated recently....

Bosox Blotter
Burlington Coalition for Community Schools
Burlington Currency Project
Experimental Kitchen
I can't get iManchester to load - but that may just be this bloody awful work computer.
Knit Knerds
Notes of a Soulless One
Starting a Family Farm in Vermont

Posted by: Molly | Apr 5, 2007 7:26:10 PM

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