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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Weekly Post

This week's Vermont blog post of the week comes from Barton blogger meeyauw. It expresses a sentiment I'm sure many of us were feeling earlier this week:

I really can't take anymore. I still have a 10 foot drift blocking a window and snow up to five feet deep behind the house. I got to the barn before this week's snow only because it was so crusted that I could walk over it. Now I can't get to the barn again and the cats can't get out there either....

I have stopped crying and now I am trying to re-think myself into winter: movies, cooking, reading, blogging. It isn't working well. I am going to try denial tomorrow.

Read more at meeyauw, or on the Letters to the Editor page of this week's Seven Days.

And if you're a Vermont blogger, come join us at the Vermont Blogger Meet-up at Radio Bean on Saturday.

April 18, 2007 at 04:01 PM in The Weekly Post | Permalink


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