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Saturday, May 05, 2007
Saturday morning epiphany
I just realized that I suck at blogging. Or at least, I have sucked at it since I took this online editor job in January. I just don't have as much time to post here as I used to. And I don't get out as much. A few months ago, I posted this picture of my new desk in the red room at Seven Days, where the editors sit. That's all I see anymore. My computer screen. The red wall. The apartments across the street.
There's not much to say about our little dead-end block of South Champlain Street. No siree.
I came to this realization about how I suck at blogging because I just read Bill Simmon's post about the They Might Be Giants show last night. And then Bill linked to his wife Emily Stoneking's post about the show.
Ok, granted, they are uber-geeks. But they put me to shame shame shame!
I'm spending all this time training new bloggers right now — Seven Days just launched three new blogs in the last couple weeks, Omnivore, Yo, Hackie! and the Jazz Mafia blog. So I'm talking about blogs all the time. Maybe that's the trouble. Maybe if I weren't talking to other people about blogs all the time, I'd want to spend more time on my own?
May 5, 2007 at 06:43 AM in VT Blogs | Permalink
I think you're a good blogger, Cathy! You provide a valuable service too -- metablogging. Keep up the good work!
Posted by: Bill Simmon | May 5, 2007 11:41:19 PM
Ok, granted, they are uber-geeks.
Actually, we prefer the term "alpha nerds." :)
Posted by: Bill Simmon | May 6, 2007 11:09:39 AM
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