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Friday, May 18, 2007
Seven Days and Front Porch Forum
If, like me, you're a member of your neighborhood Front Porch Forum, you may have noticed that Seven Days had a sponsorship message in your latest email edition. And if you got NOW, the Seven Days email newsletter yesterday, you may have noticed a sponsorship message from Front Porch Forum.
This week, Seven Days and Front Porch Forum began an arrangement whereby we're trading ad space in our various venues. So you can expect to see FPF ads in our newspaper (like this one at right), and on our website, and occasionally in NOW. And if you belong to FPF, you can expect to see occasional messages from us.
FPF owner/operator Michael Wood-Lewis blogged about this partnership on Ghost of Midnight. I think he's planning to accept a limited number of sponsors in his emails, to help pay for providing the service. Seven Days is his first sponsorship partner. I'm curious to see how it works out.
Michael's in NYC today, speaking at the Personal Democracy Forum.
May 18, 2007 at 09:29 AM in House Rules | Permalink
Someone already complained about it on my neighborhood FPF.
Posted by: Charity | May 18, 2007 6:31:42 PM
Well put Cathy. From the beginning Front Porch Forum has been shaped by member input, so this new sponsorship program will be no different. Input, such as Charity noted, is eagerly anticipated and appreciated. Also, see my post on the subject. -Michael
Posted by: Michael Wood-Lewis | May 18, 2007 8:01:23 PM
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