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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Weekly Post

This week it's from the funny pseudo-political blog Wicked Outdoorsy, home of the "Greennecks" (as opposed to rednecks). Blogger Drew Simmons writes about National Bike to Work Day, which is May 18. Drew lists the days preceeding it. An excerpt:

May 2 is Write Bike-To-Work Day On Your Calendar Day

May 3 is Give Another Motorist The Finger Day

May 4 is Wonder Why Kids These Days Are So Fat Day

May 7 is Drive To Work So You Can Go To the Gym After Work Day

May 8 is Put a "Bike To Work Day" Bumper Sticker On Your Subaru Day

May 9 is Make Fun Of the Guy On the Yellow Bike Day

May 10 is Feel Lonely In Your 9-seat Chevy Tahoe Day

May 11 is Think About How Good It Will Feel To Bike To Work While You're Driving To The Office Day

Read more on Wicked Outdoorsy, or on the letters to the editor page of this week's Seven Days.

On that same theme, cool story in this week's paper about the new Montpelier bike co-op that opens this weekend. 

May 9, 2007 at 01:23 PM in The Weekly Post | Permalink


Too bad the article on the Montpelier Bike Co-op seems to focus more on fundamentalist biking vs corporate carbon usage rather than focusing on the benefits, services, and maybe even how to contact the Montpelier Bike Co-op folk. That aside, I hope this is a great resource to the area that seems very liberal in many respects, but offers little resource to bikers. I don't even think Hubbard Park is officially open to two wheeled adventurers. As a hobbyist biker I look forward to being able to work on my own bike/work on others bikes and hopefully build more of a homegrown community for bikers that perhaps the Onion River croud does not cater well to.

Posted by: Stan | May 9, 2007 4:00:59 PM

Stan, I think you can contact the bike co-op people at [email protected]

Posted by: cresmer | May 9, 2007 7:03:49 PM

I actually rode down and talked to the group that runs it! Super nice group of people looking to socially effect the city. They are having a group ride this Saturday, and will be open Tuesday @ 6pm as well.

Posted by: Stan | May 9, 2007 7:05:29 PM

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