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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Vermont Blog Roundup
Checking out Vermont blogs this morning. Came across some interesting things.
• The new intern at the Old Shaw Farm writes a blog post full of "zest-i-ness." Writes Claire,
It's been a hard two weeks of incredibly dirty work... and I LOVE it!
Claire's learning what life is like as a small-scale veggie farmer in rural Vermont. God bless her. Reading this reminds me of the summers my partner, Ann-Elise, spent as an intern, and then as a farmer. It was hard work, and she loved it, for soooo many reasons, but at some point she found herself having to choose between having a family and having a farm... That's turned out great, but I think both of us still miss the farm. Hence my frequent links to these farm blog posts.
• It's definitely the season to read George Africa's The Vermont Gardener. George owns the Vermont Flower Farm, and things are finally blooming.
• Over at iBurlington, that incredibly informative bastion of citizen journalism, perennial Vermont candidate Cris Ericson complains in ALL CAPS AND EXLAIMATION POINTS!!!!!!! that GOVERNMENT IS GROWING LIKE CANCER!!!!!
• Vermont Scrap Wood makes a good point about salesmanship, as it relates to the governor.
• I read this from S.R. Wild and smiled. I used to drive around and take random turns, too. Alas, now I'm parked at a desk. Sigh. This is S.R. at left, from the April Vermont blogger meetup.
• Tanner's ancient prom pics, from Highgate. Tanner, now, on right, also from the blogger meetup.
May 29, 2007 at 10:02 AM in VT Blogs | Permalink
I was curious to see what SR Wild had to say about his randomn turns. This has been one of my personal favorite pasttimes as well (to my husband's dismay).
Posted by: Jacky | Jun 2, 2007 10:06:05 AM
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