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Monday, June 18, 2007

Best Vermont Blog -- Don't Forget to Vote

Daysies_2 The polls close in a week for this year's Seven Days Daysie Reader's Choice awards. Don't forget to vote for your favorite Vermont blogs, both political and non-political.

I've seen a few bloggers campaigning for votes, which I encourage — aslong as there's no overt bribery involved. You can find examples of self-promotional strategies at Candleblog, Green Mountain Daily, and Vermont Daily Briefiing.   

You can also campaign on behalf of someone else, as Haik Bedrosian of BurlingtonPol does here. He recommends you vote for Steve Benen's Carpetbagger Report. Says Haik,

If I'd have thought faster and/or been a bigger person, I would have voted for the Carpetbagger Report instead of BurlingtonPol.com in the 'best political blog' category. Maybe it's not too late for you to make a better choice.


So go vote. And remember:

1) The Best Vermont Blog categories are just two of 80 categories. You must vote in at least 23 categories for your vote to be counted. So don't just vote for the blogs.

2) You must include the correct URL of the blogs you're choosing. Just cut and paste the URL, to be sure you get it right.

3) You can only vote once.

4) Voting ends Monday June 25, at 5 p.m.

What are you waiting for? Go vote!

June 18, 2007 at 12:40 PM in House Rules | Permalink


Quick clarification: I assume since you are encouraging people to cut and paste from their browser URL field, that by "complte URL" you mean the "www.sitename.com" with or without the "http://", given that many people don't bother with that protocol header when they type in an address and all.

Posted by: | Jun 18, 2007 2:17:08 PM

It's fine to leave off the http:// -- the vote will count with or without it.

I just want people to be as specific as possible, and it seems easier to do it with the URL than with the title or author of the blog.

Posted by: cresmer | Jun 18, 2007 2:52:05 PM

Cathy, is it a 20- or 23-vote minimum? Categories or questions? And are you informed if you haven't met the minimum? There were a fair number of questions I simply couldn't answer for lack of knowledge/familiarity. When I got to the end, I started to worry a little that I hadn't filled out enough for my ballot to count. Thanks. C.

Posted by: caleb d. | Jun 19, 2007 10:27:04 AM

It's a 23-vote minimum. Not sure about the difference between categories and questions. I'll ask around.

Posted by: cresmer | Jun 19, 2007 11:28:16 AM

I had the same concerns as Mr. Daniloff. I don't get out much so didn't have any nomination for many of the categories, but want to make sure my votes were counted. I think I had at least 23, but I'm not 100% positive.

Posted by: Molly | Jun 19, 2007 11:56:47 AM

is there something wrong with the online survey right now (tuesday afternoon) all the links just reference back to the 7Ds homepage.

Posted by: Tanner | Jun 19, 2007 12:44:18 PM

Tanner, have you already voted? It stopped going to the survey for me after I voted.

Posted by: cresmer | Jun 19, 2007 12:49:48 PM

Ok, Pamela P. says it's 23 QUESTIONS, and she says that she probably won't disqualify you if you vote for 21 or 22. But the only way to be sure is to vote for more.

Posted by: cresmer | Jun 19, 2007 1:23:34 PM

I have already voted; thanks Cathy.

Posted by: Tanner | Jun 20, 2007 12:36:06 PM

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