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Monday, June 04, 2007

New blog spawned by Chinese restaurant worker story

Writer Ken Picard brought this to my attention. Ken wrote a fantastic story last week about Chinese restaurant workers in Essex Junction. Apparently someone started a blog to talk about the issues in the story.

It's called Chuī Shì Yuán.  The anonymous blogger says the name means "cafeteria worker" or "cook."

Apparently the blogger is not Chinese, but thinks that he? she? has something to add to the discussion. Why? Says the blogger:

  1. I am a naturalized citizen of the USA.
  2. My family had a business that employed some persons with Green Cards who had little or no English skills. Some of them found life in the USA so unpleasant, they moved back to their home country. Others adapted to life here.
  3. I have some limited understanding of the Chinese culture and people, though I am not Chinese myself.

Although this blog will focus on the plight of the Chinese restaurant workers in Essex Junction, Vermont, the ideas presented are wider in scope and applicable to other groups such as migrant workers who work seasonally on farms. Lessons learned here will be open for all to see.


June 4, 2007 at 10:12 AM in VT Blogs | Permalink


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