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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

LouTube Nation

Last week, I posted a clever YouTube video about the Davis Center at UVM. I actually ended up doing some research on it, and learned that it was filmed by a senior political science/film and TV studies major, Louis Armistead.

I chatted with Lou a bit last week, and ended up writing about him and his video in my "Web Page" column in the newspaper. I also talked with Pat Brown, the Director of Student Life and the Davis Center, who called Lou's video "one person’s opinion, and sort of a tongue-in-cheek approach to some feelings about the Davis Center.”

Brown didn't seem to think it was as funny as I did. Can't blame him, though, really.

The Davis Center video is actually one of many that Lou has made during his career at UVM. I ended up watching most of them on his YouTube channel, which he calls "LouTubeNation." I think my favorite is probably "Full Dorm," a parody of the opening credits of "Full House."

Good work, Lou! I'll definitely be checking back for more (though not until I return from my long weekend in Chicago!).

October 17, 2007 at 07:07 PM in Vermont YouTube | Permalink


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