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Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Facebook Camp in Montreal
Want to hook up with developers who can make Facebook applications? Check out Facebook Camp in Montreal tomorrow night, Wed. November 7. Dan York posts all the relevant info on his blog, Disruptive Conversations.
I really wanted to go, but am totally swamped, so I'm bagging. But Dan is going, and he's looking for other Vermonters who might be interested.
He sent me an email this morning saying:
The event is 6-10 p.m. but since that means going in Montreal rush hour, I'm thinking it probably makes sense to leave at something like 2 or 3 p.m. and then get some food or something up there before the meeting.
Let him know if you're up for it. Contact info on his blog.
November 6, 2007 at 11:10 AM in VT Blogs | Permalink
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