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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Reading Material
I'm still adjusting to life after drupal, which includes a new workflow process around posting stories to our website.
Blah blah blah.
Listen to me talk — can you believe that I used to be a poet?
I haven't been surfing Vermont blogs much lately, though I have been reading some interesting articles that are worth passing along.
The Video Explosion: interesting article for media insiders curious about how newspapers are doing with their video experiments.
The Rebirth of Backpack Journalism: I'm with this guy. I would be a backpack journalist... if I were still a reporter who actually wrote stories.
Christopher Walken mask: I know, it's not an article, but it's funny.
The 12 Most Influential Online Videos of All Time: Via Boing Boing. All Your Base Are Belong To Us!
Cory Doctorow Thinks Facebook Won't Last: Or so he says in this column. I'm not sold, though.
William Langewiesche disses Vermont: That's my alternative title for this glowing profile of one of my favorite writers. If you don't know his work, you're missing out!
And just for kicks... A review of the book I just finished. It was great! I borrowed it from my local library. Have I mentioned that I recently volunteered for the Winooski library advisory board?
November 27, 2007 at 04:59 PM in House Rules | Permalink
I agree with Doctorow. Though Facebook is definitely the best social networking site so far, its very ubiquity will diminish the efficiency of social networking. The more "friends" you have, the less each friend is worth.
Posted by: Simon Owens | Nov 27, 2007 11:16:17 PM
Honestly, I feel like Facebook is different from those other sites. Or at least, I use it differently.
The other sites seemed to stress the number of friends you had more, and it seemed like the only point to having a profile was to accumulate friends.
I don't even know how many friends I have on Facebook. I like adding people, though, because then I can sort of keep up with them through the feeds.
And I like being able to attack them with my zombie ninja.
Facebook is more fun.
And I don't worry about being rude to people who friend me. I've said no a few times, and I currently have a few folks languishing on my friend request list because I can't decide what to do with them.
But I'm not a die-hard Facebooker. I think Doctorow raises some good points.
Posted by: Cathy Resmer | Nov 28, 2007 7:15:06 AM
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