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Friday, January 25, 2008

Fire at Vegas Monte Carlo!

The Monte Carlo Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas is on fire. There are flames leaping out of the top of it. Looks pretty bad. I'm watching it on my laptop in my office.

I'm posting about this because I just got a phone call from my mom, who wanted to let me know that she's ok. She and my dad, and some of my aunts and uncles are in Vegas this week, and are all staying at the Monte Carlo. They're fine, apparently. They've been evacuated from the casino, are standing nearby.

The pictures on CNN.com are pretty scary. I'm glad they're all outside. Their stuff might be toast, though.

Not surprisingly, the CNN is asking people to email and send photos or anecdotes. Citizen journalists are always useful in disasters...

January 25, 2008 at 02:45 PM in House Rules | Permalink


I just got back from vegas Wednesday morning!

Posted by: E to the M | Jan 25, 2008 3:32:40 PM

Las Vegas is a sinful place of loud distraction masking untold desperation and suffering. Imagine how many bodies the mafia has buried in the desert around that grotesque misuse of water resources called a city. The place is an abomination of nature propped up by black magic and the stupidity of a selfish, vacuous culture. Sooner or later it will all burn down.

Posted by: Haik Bedrosian | Jan 26, 2008 1:08:09 AM

Funny, I was watching it in Las Vegas...out here on tour, came back from San Jose and we saw it from I-15. Quite a sight...we figured it was a publicity stunt until we got up next to the building and realized it was an uncontrolled fire.

Posted by: Thirtyseven | Jan 26, 2008 5:43:04 PM

Glad to hear the folks are all OK. I hope it didn't totally ruin their vacation. I've had things go totally wrong on a vacation and it really stinks. You feel like you just threw a large chunk of money down the drain. That said, stuff can be replaced.

Posted by: TheFatBaldMarriedGuy | Jan 28, 2008 7:05:27 AM

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