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Friday, February 01, 2008
News from San Fran
Five of us from Seven Days are in San Francisco right now, at the AAN Web Publishing Conference. I'm getting lots of good ideas, and actually saw some of the city after we got here on Wednesday.
I couldn't really enjoy our tour, though — I had a ton of work to do. I wrote and sent the 7D NOW yesterday from our hotel. Then yesterday afternoon, Eva Sollberger and I did a presentation on how to do editorial web video.
But that's all done now. I had a glass of wine last night and felt like I was going to pass out.
In other news, we launched our iSpy Facebook widget yesterday. I'm psyched we finally got it up, and curious to see how that goes. Thanks to Efe Cimrin for getting us started on it — Efe actually developed a prototype, but we didn't end up using the one he made. Thanks anyway, Efe. You rock!
Now I'm going to enjoy the city for a couple hours before the next session.
February 1, 2008 at 09:53 AM in House Rules | Permalink
I know you're with Eva who knows SF better than me by a long shot (she actually lived there) but if you get a chance, try an Italian place called Michaelangelo's on Columbus in North Beach. Hoo boy that's good eats.
Posted by: bill simmon | Feb 1, 2008 11:52:54 AM
Bill, is Michaelangelo's good enough to make vegetarians cheat? [;-)]
Great news, Cathy. I'm sure your and Eva's presentation kicked ass.
Bummer that Facebook doesn't have some explanation of what iSpy is. I guess you could link to an intermediate page explaining it, but then you'd undoubtedly lose some would-be signer-uppers (going by the principle that the more clicks between the user and your goal, the less likely they "convert").
Posted by: Nato | Feb 2, 2008 7:41:22 AM
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