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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Vermont YouTube of the Day

I meant to post this a couple days ago, but I got distracted by my crazy job.

Remember Louis Armistead, the UVM senior who did the Davis Center video? We just hired him as a freelancer, and he's making videos every other week for Seven Days. At least, that's the plan.

The first episode of Loutube News features superstar politico-spawn Chelsea Clinton.

March 6, 2008 at 02:24 PM in Vermont YouTube | Permalink


"LouTube". Nice.

Good first effort. I appreciate the "Daily News"-ish attitude.

I think the video would have benefitted from having more female interviewees and a voiceover that wasn't so drenched in reverb. (Even recording the vocal on a bed would probably absorb more reflections than we hear in the narration.)

I do look forward to more LouTube videos, but I hope they're not coming in lieu of Eva Sollberger productions for Seven Days, because those set the standard for excellence and enjoyment.

Posted by: Nato | Mar 7, 2008 2:47:43 AM

Thanks for the suggestions, Nato.

Of course we're not replacing Eva! We're just doing more video. Why stop at one really cool video feature when we can do more?

Posted by: Cathy Resmer | Mar 7, 2008 9:11:06 AM

I agree with Nato -- love Lou, but don't forget to talk to the ladies dude!

Posted by: Selene | Mar 7, 2008 10:53:11 AM

This was great! I will be showing some of it to my students tomorrow. They need to see alternative media. This is another way to get information about what is going on elsewhere in Vermont and the world.
Living in southern VT we get short changed a lot and don't feel connected or part of the rest of the social and political realm in VT. The students see Boston or NYC (or really anywhere else) as the places to go after school. I would like to show them that there is a great life in Burlington.
We have such an aging population in VT that we need to keep our youth or we will have economic difficulties in only a few years.
7 Days, please continue courting the youth of VT, and please reach out to those of us in the Southern areas as well.

Posted by: Nate | Mar 9, 2008 9:38:46 AM


Good one.

Posted by: Henwhisperer | Mar 9, 2008 8:11:07 PM

Agreed, most awesome video Lou. Can't wait to see what is next!

PS Nato, you are my hero.

Posted by: Eva | Mar 10, 2008 2:36:59 AM

Eva, hero for appreciating your consistently wonderful work? If that's the case, I'm sure there are a lot of heroes out here. [;-)]

Posted by: Nato | Mar 13, 2008 2:18:31 AM

Highly entertaining video. That Lou is a keeper. More video is the way to go.

Posted by: vermompreneur | Mar 14, 2008 10:42:51 PM

I just went and looked at the earlier sample of your work, interviewing President Dan about the Davis building. Does he honestly not drink any more? I have seen that guy kick back drinks that you could have lit on fire at parties.

Posted by: Cback | Mar 14, 2008 11:37:34 PM

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