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March 2008

March 31, 2008

Entertaining Wiener

Sometimes I think no matter how many times I throw the ball for my dachshund, Edna, it will never satisfy her need to fetch. Now I know that Edna is in good company with her fellow wieners. If spring doesn't come soon, I'm going to have to get one of these!

Groove Kitty at Work

This little video never ceases to make me happy. You really have to watch until the very end.

March 28, 2008

Why'd Freyne Give Up His Column?

Tornoe_2 Rob Tornoe at PolitickerVT sent us this cartoon tribute to Peter Freyne.

And click here to listen to Bob Kinzel interview Peter on VPR this afternoon during Vermont Edition.

Watch Wal-Mart Spread Like a Virus

Wal-Mart started as a single discount store in Arkansas in 1962. Today there are roughly a gazillion Wal-Marts covering basically the entire planet.

Now, thanks to author and geek Toby Segaran, you can watch Wal-Mart spread across the U.S. like a virus.

Thanks, Bill.

It's hard to remember what the world was like before Wal-Mart...

March 27, 2008

Twinfield Students Heart Small Scale Hydro

A group of ninth-graders at Twinfield Union School in Plainfield wants to fight global warming by building a small hydro-electric plant on school grounds. Kids these days.

The "Twinfield Hydro Team" explains their project in an op-ed in today's Times Argus:

We're proposing to divert a small amount of water through an 18-inch pipe before it's returned to the river. Depending on how much water we're able to use, we could generate enough power to cut Twinfield's $60,000 energy bill half or eliminate it entirely. We could reduce our school's carbon footprint, help our school budget and still maintain proper flows in the river to protect fish throughout the year.

Pretty cool, right? But they wrote the op-ed because they're having a hard time getting through the Agency of Natural Resource's permitting process. Bummer.

I stumbled upon this story while I was looking for Vermont videos on YouTube. I found this one, from James O'Hanlon at Moonlight Video. Last summer, middle school student (now high school student) Emyln Crocker spoke with 89-year-old former state legislator Alvin Warner about a small hydro-electric plant on his land in Lowell. Warner built it in the 1970s, as an alternative to the nuclear power generated by Vermont Yankee.

The best part about this video, other than all of the lush green foliage, is Warner's accent. This dude is no hippy.

Best of luck, you wild, rebellious teenagers!

Dada Lives!

Check out this link, courtesy of our own Michael Bradshaw (don't ask me how he stumbled across it), for what appears to be Yvette's Bridal/Formal Wear, located in Panama City, Florida:

A distracting, tiled peacock background; a random floating geometric cube; no discernible structure or order; bagpipe audio clips; links to poetry and recipes (wait, what?) — yup, Yvette's website has got it all. This is either one of the worst websites ever created or an ingenious study of Dada and/or Surrealist sensibilities (in that vein, I think it's pure genius).Whatever you make of it, consider it the best reason to embrace CSS and hire a designer...please. Or tell her yourself: her contact info, it's...let me just scroll down here...well it's somewhere. 

Annals of Journalism

The Smoking Gun: A recent L.A. Times story that re-examined the 1994 shooting of Tupac Shakur and pinned it on associates of Sean "Diddy" Combs was based on fabricated documents. The Times will launch an internal investigation into the authenticity of documents provided to them by a 31-year-old con man named James Sabatino, 31, whose,  uh, mug is below.

Man, what a breach of the Elements, especially Number 3.

March 26, 2008

Seven Days of Love

I was just reading Paula's article on Finland, the "most livable" place on earth. Those Finns have it good! Besides four weeks of paid vacation and 14 paid public holidays — yes, for everyone — their Prime Minister recently proposed a law that would add a seven day "love vacation" to their existing vacation time.

"According to Tabermann, the purpose of such vacations would be to prevent relations from disintegrating and the spouses from drifting apart.
     During the seven days, couples could devote themselves to each other ”both at an erotic and emotional level” and ”find their way back to the path of love in order to find the wellspring of love again”."

That is so cool. Sign me up.

Happy Dance

If you are not happy after watching this video then you are made of steel.

Leslie Hall, you may have met your match...

March 25, 2008

Leslie Hall on Boing Boing TV

Gem sweater queen Leslie Hall is my favorite ce*web*rity. Gold pants forever, baby!

Here's a video of Leslie I found on Boing Boing today — BB contributor Xeni Jardin interviews the Keeper of the Gems for BBtv.

Stuck in VT (VIDEOS)

Solid State (Music)

Mistress Maeve (Sex)

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