Vermont Blog Roundup
Items of note in the Vermont blogosphere this week:
The Vermont International Film Fest is coming up soon, and its blog is back online.
- Economist Art Woolf takes issue with Sky Barsch's article about going solar in last Sunday's Burlington Free Press. There's some interesting debate happening over at Vermont Tiger. Here's another post from the site by Curtis Hier, objecting to the high-tech, interactive whiteboards in Vermont classrooms.
- Welcome to Vermont, Andrew Burkhardt! Andrew is the new Emerging Technologies Librarian at Champlain College. He came to my panel at the Burlington Book Festival and blogged about it, so I'm giving him some link love.
- Vermont cartoonist Alison Bechdel was on NPR a couple weeks ago. I caught the end of the segment in my car, and just found it linked on her blog. The report was about how rare it is that television series live up to the "Bechdel rule." It's so cool that Alison has a rule named after her.
- The internet gave Jessamyn West a bicycle. Don't ask. Just check it out. Never heard of Jessamyn West? She's Vermont's own internet folk hero.
- Candleblogger Bill Simmon posts a eulogy for writer David Foster Wallace.
- A yummy recipe for "Lemon Meringue Cupids" from Walter Jeffries at Sugar Mountain Farm.
- I went to dinner with Undead Molly last week, and the topic of winter burials came up. We wondered if people are buried in Vermont in the winter? Or do they have to wait until the ground thaws in spring? I messaged ChaCha to ask. Here's ChaCha's reply: "Yes many cemetaries hav a 'frost remover' fueled by a propane heater that thaws and dried frozen ground for digging." Molly wasn't satisfied with this answer, and wrote a blog post about it.
Hey Cathy thanks for the link love. It was great meeting you on Saturday and I look forward to following Blurt!
Posted by: Andy Burkhardt | September 16, 2008 at 05:42 PM
Have you read this one?
Posted by: Anonymous | September 18, 2008 at 07:44 PM
Have you read this one?
Posted by: Anonymous | September 18, 2008 at 07:47 PM