It's Official!
In one word: Wow.
Here are some snippets that many Vermonters reacted to during Pres. Barack Obama's inaugural address:
"Hold true to our founding documents." No fooling? There's a concept.
"Pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and rebuild America." Ask not what your country can do for you ...
"Do our business in the light of day." I guess the Cheney doctrine is really over.
"We reject the false choice between our safety and our ideals." PATRIOT Act, SchmATRIOT Act.
"We are a friend of each nation." Not just the willing?
"To be judged on what you build, not what you destroy." Hmmm. Maybe there is a new direction in the "war on terror"?
"We are willing to extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist." B-ipartisanship.
"It's not whether or not government is too big or too small, but whether it works." One word: Katrina.
The Nectar's crowd — replete with plenty of "community organizers" — gave plenty of cheers when Pres. Obama had the audacity to say he would put the science back in global warming and make a greater push for moving us to renewable energy.
"We reject the false choice between our safety and our ideals." PATRIOT Act, SchmATRIOT Act."
I appreciate the sentiment but we must acknowledge that Obama supported re-authorization of the bill and FISA.
This is worrisome, I think. And sometimes I think Obama supporters, lost in their own giddiness, fail recognize this in any meaningful way.
Posted by: Michael C | January 20, 2009 at 01:30 PM