Avec Crêpe Day
We Americans know February 2 as Groundhog Day. Apparently, that's because we are heathens. Good Catholics are more familiar with the 2nd as Candlemas, or Virgin Mary's Blessing Day. The French celebrate it with crêpes, hence the name of this post and the colloquial name for the holiday. In fact, the festival has spawned an international crêpe day.
Where am I going with this? Benji Adler of the Skinny Pancake just called me to let me know that, given the crêpe-y weather predicted for tomorrow, he wants to celebrate Avec Crêpe Day by getting people out of their homes and offices, despite the blizzard.
To achieve that goal, he's charging $2.50 for Skinny Pancakes basic "street crêpes" all day at the Burlington and Montpelier locations. "It's a nice day for a walk through a blizzard," Adler explains. "Something colorful for what would otherwise be, for most people, an urban day of blizzard-ness."