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February 24, 2011

The Doyle Town Meeting Day Survey Ritual Continues

Doyle It's far from scientific, but the annual Doyle Town Meeting Day Survey has, for more than 40 years, provided a snapshot of what Vermonters think on a wide range of topics.

Since 1970, Sen. Bill Doyle (R-Washington) has sought the opinion of Vermonters on the hot topics of the day.

This year, Doyle is seeking Vermonters' opinions on whether they support a four-year term for governor (an oft-asked question dating back to that first 1970 survey); whether Vermont Yankee should be relicensed beyond 2012 (a repeat from last year); whether the state bottle bill should be expanded and whether Vermonters have confidence in Gov. Peter Shumlin.

As with last year's survey, the Vermont Yankee question tops the list, followed two other current legislative topics: cellphone use while driving, and physician-assisted suicide, or "death with dignity" legislation.

This year's survey also asks about Tasers, whether Vermonters are willing to pay more for locally grown food and renewable energy, and whether people be required to buy health insurance.

"Since it looks like that idea [mandatory health insurance purchase] is headed to the U.S. Supreme Court, I thought it would be good to hear what Vermonters have to say," Doyle said.

This year's survey has a few questions that were posed by others, and who asked Doyle to include them on the survey. For example, Lt. Gov. Phil Scott is interested in whether people still support the law requiring motorcycle helmets, while the Montpelier police chief is interested in knowing if the public supports the use of Tasers by law enforcement.

"I think this is the most new questions I've ever had on a survey," said Doyle.

The surveys are distributed, and often collected, by lawmakers as they attend town meetings in their home districts next week. Critics of the survey say it's open to easy manipulation because people can fill out more than one survey form.

Here are the 13 questions, in order, as they appear on the Doyle survey. People can respond "yes," "no" or "not sure." You can provide your own responses here in the comments section.

1. Should  Vermont Yankee's license be renewed in 2012?

2. Should drivers be prohibited from using cellphones while driving?

3. Should Vermont legalize physician-assisted suicide?

4. Should Vermont have a four-year term for governor?

5. Should there be a mandatory minimum sentence for repeat DUI offenders?

6. Should Vermonters be required to buy health insurance?

7. Do you have confidence in Governor Shumlin?

8. Should Vermont continue to require the use of motorcycle helmets?

9. Should law enforcement personnel be permitted to use Tasers?

10. Should Vermont's legislature encourage bicycling and walking?

11. Should Vermont's bottle deposit law be expanded to include all bottled beverages?

12. Are you willing to pay more for locally grown food?

13. In order to encourage wind, solar and other renewable energy sources, are you willing to pay higher prices?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. Yes

6. No

7. Yes

8. Yes

9. Yes

10. Yes

11. Yes

12. Yes

Thanks for posting Shay

1. No
2. No, as long as hands free device is used
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. YES
6. No- bring on single-payer system
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. No
10. Yes
11. Yes
12. Yes- already do
13. Yes

1.) You bet
2.) No
3.) No
4.) Yes
5.) Yes
6.) No, It is not constitutional
7.) No
8.) No, It's an individuals choice
9.) Yes, but firearms should still be the preferred choice
10.) No, the legislature should stick to their appointed role
11.) No, The bottle bill should go away Al can be sold for spot.
12.) No
13.) NO WAY If someone want's to chase windmills they can do it on their own dime.

1. Hell No
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes
5. no
6. no, we should have single payer
7. yes
8. yes
9. yes, with training
10. yes
11. yes, and raised to 10 cents
12. yes, to a point
13. yes, as much as 15% more

far from scientific = far from accurate.

On town meeting day, it isn't uncommon to see one person fill out two dozen survey sheets and sumbit them all.

This survey is a measure of nothing.

1. Absolutely not!
2, yes
3. Yes
4. No
5. No
6. Yes, single payer, subsidized
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. Yes
11. yes
12. Yes

1. No

2. No

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. Yes

Damn it, I'm too damned liberal.

6. Yes

7. Yes

8. Yes

9. Yes, in certain situations and with proper training

10. Yes

11. Yes

12. Yes

13. Yes

1. No
2. No
3. Yes
4. Yes, and we should consider extending the term for other offices, and professionalizing the at least one chamber of the legislature.
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. Only as an alternative to lethal force
10. Sure, why not?
11. Yes
12. Yes
13. Yes, but minimally

Quick tally

1.) 2/3rds support closing VY (4v2)
2.) 2/3rds support cell phone usuage (4v2)
3.) 88% support PAS (5v1)
4.) 88% support a 4yr term for Governor (5v1)
5.) 2/3rds support a minimum sentences for >DUI2 (4v2)
6.) 2/3rds do NOT support a mandate for Health Insu. (4v2)
7.) 88% have faith in Shumlin (5v1)
8.) 88% support continued mandatory motorcycle helmets (5v1)
9.) 88% support the use of tasers (5v1)
10.) 88% support legislation encouraging biking/walking 5v1
11.) 88% support the bottle bill
12.) 88% are happy to pay more if food is local
13.) 80% are willing to pay more for RE (4v1)

I find these results rather startling. There are a lot of people out there that are perfectly fine paying more. Sorry but I'm tapped out myself. I think you all should donate that extra money to the state or to the good ole USA. There is even a website to donate towards the deficit

Doyle should add the question do you support term limits?

1. Yes PLEASE!
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. Yes
6. No way, it didn't work in Mass, why would it work here?
7. No
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. Depends, not if they are going to make it tough for those who don't want to bike or walk
11. No
12. Yes
13. No

1 -no
9 NO
10 YES
11 YES
12 YES
13 YES

"On town meeting day, it isn't uncommon to see one person fill out two dozen survey sheets and sumbit them all."

And speaking of unscientific and inaccurate, got any evidence other than your own say-so to back up the above assertion?

It isn't "uncommon"? Really? Says who? And what is the definition of "uncommon," please?

-Should Vermonters be able to use nuclear powered tasers on people who use cell phones while driving?


-Should Governor Shumlin be forced to eat only locally grown foods while wearing a helmet?


Should Vermonters be able to drive nuclear powered cars while talking on their cell phones - yes (no fill up....ever. How much greener can you get)

Should Vermonters be mandated to eat only the food they can provide themselves ( and consequentially have an open season law) - Yes What's more local then going out and killing a bunny and cooking it in a big stew pot?

As a non believer in polls and surveys, I always hesitate in participating. I cite the poll/survey that was done on the Moran plant in Burlington a few years ago. Worded so that were charged with interpreting could make up the rules as they went.
So I will just blast out a few opinions on a few of the questions.
Question#1. I am not sure as a citizen(as well as any of the legislators)I have any power to do anything with this issue. That will be decided in a long court battle I believe.
Question #2. Not until Police Depts. get on board with it as they all seem to be on the phone while driving while many ignore common decency by turning their headlights on near dusk dawn or rainy conditions. Pet Peeve of mine, Hey cops turn your lights on for safety.
Question#4. Absolutely not, look what a three yr. term for Mayor got us in Burlington.
Question7. More so than Mayor Kiss of Burlington.
Question13. I urge all to take a trip heading towards Hogansburg in northern New York and view that wonderful site of a wind farm. If is not the most scenic mess I have seen in my life I do not know what is. For all those that think wind is the answer, the wind farms are a lot bigger than Sen Illuzzi's private wind tower. It is pretty ugly.
Just a few thoughts from one who normally keeps his opinion to himself. See what I mean of polls and surveys?

Continuing the thread . . .

Should Peter Shumlin be tased and forced to drink tritiated water after being stopped for speeding while talking on a cell phone about greenhouse gas emissions while running for Governor and showing his Senate ID card to the investigating officer and telling said investigating officer that he'll have a job working for Shumlin if said Pete Shumlin gets elected Governor?


The survey does not in any way deserve the media it gets. The results are about as useful as the 7 Days survey(s). Using "surveys" as a substitute for research and reporting is little more than folly.

1. No
2. Yes, except hands-free cell phones should be the exception.
3. No
4. No
5. No -- unless you have some money we don't know about to build extra prisons! I would agree with mandatory minimum sentences for repeat DUIs if death or injury to another person results.
6. No
7. Yes (although I disagree with some of the things he has been saying...)
8. Yes
9. Yes, as an alternative to lethal force. Shouldn't use a taser if you wouldn't use a gun.

10. Yes with caveats -- wouldn't want legislature to make it harder for those who can't bike or walk long distances (like me for instance)
11. Yes
12. Yes
13. Maybe.

I don't know,
Can you re-peat

You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now,
and you're not so big

No. Distracted driver law-OK, but narrow focus of phone/txt etc silly.
No. Only an idiot wouldn't wear one, removing them from the gene pool.
No. Not their job.

1. Should Vermont Yankee's license be renewed in 2012?
Not under present management

2. Should drivers be prohibited from using cellphones while driving? Yep

3. Should Vermont legalize physician-assisted suicide? Yep

4. Should Vermont have a four-year term for governor? Nope

5. Should there be a mandatory minimum sentence for repeat DUI offenders? 3 or more times, yep

6. Should Vermonters be required to buy health insurance? Nope

7. Do you have confidence in Governor Shumlin? Oh yeah

8. Should Vermont continue to require the use of motorcycle helmets? Yeah

9. Should law enforcement personnel be permitted to use Tasers? Sometimes ya just gotta do it.

10. Should Vermont's legislature encourage bicycling and walking? If encourage means making better bicycling lanes/paths and sidewalks, yes.

11. Should Vermont's bottle deposit law be expanded to include all bottled beverages? Yep

12. Are you willing to pay more for locally grown food? Already do.

13. In order to encourage wind, solar and other renewable energy sources, are you willing to pay higher prices? Yep

Q: Should Bill Doyle retire to make room for someone who can stay awake at least part of the time during the legislative season?

A. Yes.

Turn out the lights Billy. Your surveys are irrelevant and a waste of paper. Sorry, but as the tv game show host used to say "Billy, it's time for your survey to go. Bye bye."

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a crucial as well as costly healthcare issue, particularly given how TBI has often gone undiagnosed as well as misdiagnosed and thus mistreated in many cases and which, of course, only makes matters worse.

It is therefore highly ironic how, while "[s]tate lawmakers are working to develop policies dealing with TBI seek to prevent injuries from occurring, diagnose cases of TBI and to respond and rehabilitate TBI patients effectively" (here; second paragraph; via The Thicket at State Legislatures), there are those in the Vermont including the Lt. Governor and state legislators who are asking whether Vermonters still support the state law requiring the use of motorcycle helmets.

Additional references:

Fact Sheet - Traumatic Brain Injury (via AGIS; via Family Caregiver Alliance; 2007), here.


That maybe because they address two different issues. TBI is a health care issue.

Mandatory MotorCycle Helmets is a personal liberty issue.


Jcarter, I agree with your views much of the time, but, yes, we can protect people from themselves, at least in certain ways, and we do it all the time, 24/7/365, and should continue to do so. Despite social darwinism, that suggests that society may be better off letting people who ride motorycles without helmets be eliminated from the gene pool, I cannot agree. Society does have an interest in protecting people from themselves -- even some idiots. The question is where it ends. I don't know the answer to that question, but I would certainly include seatbelts and motorcycle helmets, which insure some measure of physical safety.

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