For a Big-Nosed, Dyslexic Peter Shumlin, It Got Better
As a kid, Gov. Peter Shumlin struggled with having severe dyslexia. And a big nose.
But it got better. Now he's the governor of Vermont. Suck on that, small-nosed bookworms!
Shumlin just released a video for the "It Gets Better Project," an initiative launched by syndicated sex columnist Dan Savage and his partner Terry in response to a number of suicides by bullied teens. "It Gets Better" presents videos and stories that offer hope to young people facing harassment, delivering the simple message that life won't always suck as much as it can during your teen years.
The list of people who've contributed to the project since it began in September, 2010, includes President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Ke$ha and 25,000 other people.
And now, Peter Shumlin.
But not -- unless I missed something, and if so, apologies -- a single member of the US Congress who's a member of the GOP.
I guess we can call them the pro-bullying party.
Posted by: RudigerVT | October 04, 2011 at 09:16 PM