Unscientific "Poll" Gives Wright Slight Lead in Burlington Mayor's Race
From Haik Bedrosian's blog Burlington Pol comes this totally unscientific — but still interesting — "straw poll" for the Burlington mayor's race.
The question was: Who is your choice for mayor? A total of 288 self-selected people have taken the poll so far. Here's the break-down:
Republican Kurt Wright: 43 percent (125 votes)
Democrat Miro Weinberger: 42 percent (120 votes)
Independent Wanda Hines: 15 percent (43 votes)
Bedrosian emphasizes via email that the poll results are "just a snapshot of where it seemed to be leveling off." The poll is still open — click here to vote.
Remember that with the repeal of instant runoff voting, Burlington's next mayor needs only 40 percent plus one of the vote to claim victory. You think Kurt Wright is reading these results, rubbing his hands together and cackling "Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha!"?