Doyle Town Meeting Survey Polls on Vermont Yankee, Wind Power and Legalizing Pot
Should Vermont continue its efforts to close Vermont Yankee?
Do you think that Gov. Peter Shumlin is doing a good job?
Should the high school drop-out rate age be changed from 16 to 18?
Stop talking to your computer screen! I'm not asking you those questions. State Sen. Bill Doyle (R-Washington) is, as part of his annual Town Meeting Day Survey.
Doyle (pictured), who teaches political science at Johnson State College, has 14 questions on this year's survey. Download it here.
Among other things, Doyle wants to know whether you think the Vermont Legislature is doing a good job (couldn't be any worse than Congress, right?), if Vermont should have a four-year term for governor, and if drivers should be prohibited from using cellphones while driving.
Doyle also wants to know if you support the individual mandate in the federal Affordable Care Act, whether Vermont should legalize (not just decriminalize) the possession of small amounts of marijuana, whether wind turbines should be built on ridge lines, and whether the bottle bill should be expanded to cover all bottled beverages.
Doyle's survey isn't scientific, but for years it has offered a rough pulse on Vermonters' opinions. Now he's got some serious competition in the form of the new polling institute at Castleston State College, a statistically valid poll that released its first poll last week and intends to survey Vermonters on any number of hot-button issues.