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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Christmas Spirit

Capitol_tree Here's a shot of the Vermont tree all a glitter keeping an eye on the United States Capitol in Washington.

Somebody's got to, eh?

Taken by a tall, follicly-challenged Vermont guy who has a job in the building.

Thanks, Senator.


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Nice pic, Pat.


Is it just me or does the tree appear to be leaning? It has to be an optical illusion, our gov't couldn't be THAT incompetent could they?


Yes it does. To the right in the photo I saw. And yes, the government in Washington is that incompetent. You should know, before the tree left Vermont someone wrote "Thise side down" on the bottom of the tree.


Oh, for Pete's sake..... Mery Christmas, Ebenezer.

Peter Joes

Nah - - It's just the Capitol that's leaning.

Happy holidays everyone!


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