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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

New kids in town...

Fox_44 Did you catch 'em on the box last night at 10 O'Clock?

First impressions?

Vermont's brand new TV news operation, finally kicked off on Fox 44 [that's Ch. 9 on Comcast] with a half-hour nightly news - seven nights a week.

Hey, the snowstorm made it easy on Opening Day, eh?

It's been a little over four years since ABC22 pulled the plug on their local news operation. It's been just WCAX vs. WPTZ since. Seems the whole Vermont news biz has been shrinking.

I sat down the other day with the folks behind getting our new TV news operation up and running. The folks behind the camera.

I'm saving that for tomorrow's "Inside Track."

Very interesting.


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It might be channel 9 on Comcast within the Burlington service area, but does anyone know what channel the local Fox 44 channel is on for the Montpelier Comcast service area (is it channel 2 or some other channel)?

James Connolly

A bit rocky on the audio, but I guess that's to be expected on the first night. The giant "WAR ON TERROR" graphic also made me a little nervous - not sure how much influence the network boys in NYC have on local broadcasts.


In the Montpelier area it is channel 11. Nice to have another news channel but I'm not sure I can believe or trust anything that has the name FOX attached to it.


good one, david. Try watching it as enterainment or schtick.

James Donnolly

Nice to have another news channel but I'm not sure I can believe or trust anything that has the name FOX, or NBC, or ABC, or CNN or CBS or Seven Days or WSJ or NYT, etc., etc., etc. attached to it.


David wrote: In the Montpelier area it is channel 11. [...]

I just checked the TV and Comcast channel 11 is Bravo in the Montpelier service area.


I get 44 on 2


"Nice to have another news channel but I'm not sure I can believe or trust anything that has the name FOX, or NBC, or ABC, or CNN or CBS or Seven Days or WSJ or NYT, etc., etc., etc. attached to it."

Yeah. You shouldn't accept what you hear or read in the "news," whether its the Wall Street Journal or Seven Days or Democracy Now. They ALL either: a) don't know the complete story, b) don't tell the complete story, or c) have an agenda. Some sources may be generally more reliable than others, but not all the time.


montpelier28 wrote: I get 44 on 2

Got it, thank you!


Glad to see some new and refreshing faces, ideas and talents at work.


Had not managed to remember to tune in the Fox 44 news at 10:00 PM until this evening. They seemed to have put a bit of resources and money into this effort, lots of frills and fancy high tech stuff -- impressive, so much so that they it seems they cannot afford either a real news desk (but that silly thing they stand in front of at times) or chairs for the the poor co-anchors yet(?), since they are standing up during the broadcast. Hmmm. First things first, I guess. Seems good from what I can tell thus far. I suppose it is nice to have a "new and different" version of the same old thing.

Nooz Reeder

"impressive, so much so that they it seems they cannot afford either a real news desk (but that silly thing they stand in front of at times) or chairs for the the poor co-anchors yet(?), since they are standing up during the broadcast."

Awwww...da poor babies have to STAND for 20-30 minutes...


yea, I ESPECIALLY DONT TRUST the stuff they have in/on Seven Days... especially when they've got a FAIR, BALANCED guy like Peter Fryne working for them. He's ALWAYS right...

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