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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday Watch

Voters in 24 states will cast their votes today in primaries and caucuses for their hopes and dreams for who occupies the White House starting next January.

In Vermont, we just watch.

For yours truly, it's "Inside Track" Day. Lot of balls and calls in the air....

Burlington But the first news of the day comes in the email pipeline from the office of the mayor of Vermont's largest city - Burlington - The Peoples Republic of Burlington. Mayor...whatshisname...the tall quiet guy....oh, yeah, Progressive Mayor Bob Kiss:


February 5, 2008, Burlington, VT - The February-March issue of Organic Gardening magazine ranks Burlington as one of “America’s Greenest Cities” --  those U.S. cities “that are leading the way toward a more sustainable future.”  The magazine ranks Burlington second among small cities (less than 150,000 residents).

More here in the organic garden!

Now, back to Track Land....


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Peter Joes

Vermont's future.

The best economic development tool that Vermont has is its wonderful attributes such as its clean environment, great schools, the way entrepreneurship is encouraged, etc. These things will attract people and businesses a lot more than reducing top tier taxes on the wealthy.



just some observations/thoughts

The two with the longest history in Washington are leading. Perhaps the result of years of back slapping behind the scenes deals.

Out of all the candidates, the press seems to always publish the worst photo of Hillary they can find while other candidates seem to always have decent shots. The media apparently doesn't want her to win.

I'm expecting the McCain lead to diminish and for him to perhaps lose. The conservative bosses in the GOP are having a cow over the liberal McCain. I bet things are underway, in an almost staged manner, to reverse his lead. Those ducks will line up.


yep, got rid of flip flop Romney. Now waiting for the McCain Huckabee switcharoo.

McCain's back slappers are getting slapped right this very minute.

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